
Illustration project

Cafuné is a Portuguese word that means the act of caressing or tenderly running fingers through a loved one’s hair. This coffee and bakery place is born in the search of a place where their founders, Elvira and David, could feel the caresses of their Bolivian and Portuguese roots. A place that is a haven, that feeling of affection, like being at home.
Since they are guided by a vegan philosophy, they adapted traditional recipes from their countries to a plant-based alternative.

A playful typography is used for the visual identity, with contrasts between straight lines and detailed endings. Caressing is shown by the interaction and closeness between the letters.

In this project, illustration is used as a complement to portray their journey and highlight their values.

menu design, illustration, coffee, bakery


postcards, illustration, coffee place

mockup, coffee, design, illustration

coffee place, designed applications, postcards, coffee sample, illustrated

coffee, applications, logo, illustrations, menu

social media, instagram posts, illustration project, feed, colors

instagram, stories, cafune, coffee shop, illustration


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